Five Nights at Toothy’s

3 years ago

Hey guys!! So like I said in my other post, I’ve promised I would do a recreation of the thumbnail for my fangame webpage! However, I only said “thumbnail” meaning that as of now I have no current plans on making a header for this until I can think of one

For more information under the main topic box please read here:

First of all, I just want to say that the old design of Toothy is discarded which means this will be the design you'll be seeing from time to time. And, please keep remembering that none of this is off-topic in the fnaf community since HTF and FNAF are both combined in this concept.

Second, just my last artwork i'm still gonna say that until I decide to have a 3d modeler recreate the thumbnail with my permission, I'm basically only posting this for 3d modelers to be impressed by my 2d drawing as an artist.

The third thing I would say is that I wasn't sure of how I would recreate the thumbnail for my fangame of Five Nights at Toothy's (for short its FNAT). But, I think I was able to draw a background and white text of the title underneath Toothy as the main leader animatronic and yeah.

Moving on, I can't think of what else to say. This is just a small update related to the thumbnail of my fangame and that's it.

Plus, even though I don't have a official header for my game page, it doesn't mean it won't. Maybe until I finish all 2d designs of the htf characters is when I can make the header and probably have someone to model it.

Oh and if you hadn't noticed, I changed the description of my game page as well since I'm reworking a few things to make it not so lengthy.

Lastly, someday very soon I'll step up my developer game technique and try to make a community for Five Nights at Toothy's along with a Discord Server (even though i'm not good at owning one versus joining one).

But for now, just enjoy this little update of my fangame page.

Like always, any artwork created by me shouldn't be stolen or traced/copied. Every drawing by me has a signature with my name on it, which is ChocolateHearts or CH (still means the same thing). And even if you can't see the signature, I can always make sure you see it so you do not try to copy/steal/trace.

So overall, I'll try to calm down on worrying if people will take my art from me. I'm only putting it as little warnings just in case and that is all.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this post and yeah.

(HTF X FNAF AU/Five Nights at Toothy's)



Next up

I finally downloaded this (approx. 1 hr for Steam installation). Hope my PC doesn’t blow from this as this is byte heavy. Also, I’m gonna try to collect every single thing in this by looking in each nook and cranny. I hope I don’t get oofed. Wish me gl.

Small announcement.

Does anybody remember that design I drew of Toothy back in 2022 as they are the very pictures above this post as ALL the drawings are old from 2022 when I was 17?

All of those are inaccurate and not canon to my fnaf fangame anymore.

At the time of me posting this, it’s 8 pm.

Ahem, I’m finally making another gacha related post. Also, thanks for all the likes on my other gacha posts guys!

So here’s the Handy custom I made in Gacha Life 2 based on his old design I drew in 2021 (3rd pic)


Okay, I don’t know what to even say. At first I was at 254 followers (and 253 before I gained my first newest follower), but now I’m at 260 followers. Like, I didn’t really wanna post today but I have to say that I don’t know if I got spam or bot followed

Rat Race Production Update

Hello guys, it’s time for me as a 2d artist to show my redesign for Toothy from htf as an animatronic beaver. Ever since day 1. I believe I told you guys I redesign Toothy, right?? Right?? Well, this is my progress of remaking htf robots.

I have a feeling that ever since I remembered that this character sometimes have this thing in his mouth, I might have to change the maturity rating for my fnaf fangame as yes, Pop is included but I haven’t drew him in my art style yet. But I will soon.

''Could someone be at my window?''

I don’t know if anybody is liking my posts but I’m still going to post regardless if that’s the case or not. So um, here’s another custom I made. This time it’s the old design of Russell for my HTF FNAF Fangame. Again, the art is old from 2021 (3rd pic).