6 months ago

Hey guys, so today during its official that me and my girlfriend broke up for my safety reason

(The whole story is in the article)

So, while I was working on my music video that's not gonna release this year but likely next year. My girlfriend started to text me that she has a virus called "mononucleosis" and she text me and said "things won't be the same as before🐱 keep in mind ... if it weren't for that virus the things will be the same🐱 but this one won't be the same. The virus even if mine is permanent and will never go away... have to stay apart from each other it's for the best". And I was like "Is it for my safety to not get sick?" The she said "mhm🐱 you'll be better with someone else ur choice. Don't u think it's for the best🐱" Next, few minutes later while I'm still working on the music video, she said "things won't be the same.. then.. no other way to end it" So I have to break up with her because she said it'll likely be permanent. I might be single for a while whatever I can find any girls who's my friend will be my gf at school. Don't worry guys, she still supports me and we'll be friends instead of ex girlfriend ☺️

UPDATE: We're still dating

That's all guys, I just wanted to say that don't get sick and stay safe β™₯️

