Hey guys the next update of Jame Plantas is coming this is some new stuff i did in the game
Remember stay plantas every time🤘🤘â˜
Next up
Hey guys im playing guitar to say that im back to make more Jame Plantas updates and kill all the repitilians stay plantas
This day is very special for me 1.1k brothers you are amazing. I thank all the people who helped the game to get here, I know, sometimes, we cannot think positive, but in those moments we need faith, courage and strength, thank you all and stay plantas🤘🤘
1.2K this is very special for me bros i was passing for so much difficults and so much issues and you guys still helping me and the Jame Plantas team development thank you all
HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!
Remember this meme?
Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser
Well this time im testing the new gun:
Jinghai sword and other miscellanus stuff
What you guys think? Pls comment
Stay plantas🤘🤘
My game is in a iceberg lmao
Devlog 1 - Now we're really cooking!
Jame Plantas is Back but hes not alone