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New Release 1.6.0 around: - lobby settings screen, - new AI logic - updated and improved tutorial - some more fixes & improvements as well
There it is - Many pathing fixes* and the previous mechanic bought back as default. Draw path still available from menu.
Also Replays.
Also some UI rearrangings around. Enjoy ! *there are still some small ones - will be dealt with the future features
Big Update with Easter touches
-> see more details in the article
- Added Water - Added Music - 3 new maps ( rework and variations ) - Workers can attack - The selection bar now shows the available army even if none is selected - Many functional fixes
Little by little getting to the funiest parts! For now, increased general game constructing speeds & a new map with custom visuals !
Also UI improvements and some FX around Feel free to try it! Enjoy and all feedback is welcome
Update 1.6.2 - Tutorial additions: Selection Bar & Build - Cancel build - Destroy own unit ( hold on info area ) - Resign when you end an ongoing game - Stop any current activity ( use the little hand button ) - Drag buildings buttons to place
Just stabilized this .5. version with the final states of the latest features and some extra colorful ones : - Terrain now has grass & hills - Attack damage depends on the target type - Stance options: Attack on the way/Go to target
Workers mean business! They now have attack power. small but effective when no troop is around.
Soon to come in the next update
Summer is coming
Enjoy the new update!
Lots of visual improvements in Game play & UI
+ the previously mentioned Wall
Fighting for some extra time to also work on the game. Progress is still happening. The Wall is coming soon in the game. Just needs a few rounds of putting it to the test with anyone that happens to talk with me in the next days and we should be good :)