hey hey more clara spell progress got done today, i just finished up details on the final boss, only the ending is left, although i may work on it later, not fully sure though.
Next up
@firehurricane sent me this
huh, i wonder why kit is so mad.
i have not seen 28 days later, i just thought this would be funny.
I figured to start off the LCS Art Archive, the best thing to do would be to share the first art I ever made in my current style!
I'd never tried to go for a painting vibe before, and it turned out way better than I thought I could even do ^.^
uh oh
hey sorry for the lack of new posts or so, i've been spending the time working on a comic, here's a page from it while i work on it and take time for myself.
hey to let people know i'm alive, here's another panel for the comic i am currently working on.
hey guys i remade the ksm thumbnail for if i ever did a remake. what do you think?