11 months ago

Hey long time no see lol, guess what, I GOT MY HELP IM ALL BETTERRR YAYYYYYYYY!!!but look I’m a have to make a new account and delete this one after, I’m sorry, but I think it will be nice for us all to have a fresh start, hope u understand, love u guys🤍

Here’s to a fresh start 🤍🌺




Next up

“A Digital Christmas” comic soon^^!!!

anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS I LOVE U ALL^^!!!!!<33333 #TADC #ADIGITALCHRISTMAS #TheAmazingDigitalCircusFriday

This art means a lot so thank you so much @ProjectHanimation for making it^^

I miss u Lugnut <3

Zack, new oc who surprisingly is a interesting character lol^^

might use him in a later project ,anyway enjoy^^!

[My Art]


story is currently being worked on by The one and only @Pluo along with me^^! look up to seeing comics soon and lots of art but for now have this teaser^^!



Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)


Ik it's not much but it's a phone by lol^^ hope u like it buddy^^!

Jax art I made lol, wasn’t sure which colors so have both! :3


Meet Nex!

She's a close friend to Darryl in regards to his music production as she's quite able to.. uh... make matters work to her benefit. (Pun not intended.) She can't handle her power as it takes a toll on her body as well, so no OP!!!

ASK JAX!!!! Vid will be dubbed and posted on YouTube!!!! All make an announcement when^^! Anyway go ahead ^^! #TADC #AskJax