3 years ago

hey people! do you remember lisa the colorful, that fangame created by Fliren, and that in the end ended up being one more of the long list of fangames and canceled projects of lisa, well is back

You will ask yourself, who are you? I will answer you, my name is rase although you can call me R, I was a friend of Fliren for some time and what we could talk about turns out he had not written a story for colorful, he only had the idea of the game and started development, so I made my own version of colorful, the idea was to present the story to Fliren in order to revive the project, but honestly I don't think he gave me permission, mainly because I made an insane amount of changes, for example instead of having 3 girls there are 5, But I didn't want this story I made to sink and never get told, so here it is.

section 1-descriptions of the characters, read first before reading section 2.

Name: Geder Col(spoiler) (Red)

Age: Between 19-21 Years

Moves: Her attacks would have been based on ASDW mechanics, she would use a bat of baseball

Favorite food: oranges

Likes: being the leader

The most hated: that people do not listen to their orders

Description: she always wants to be the leader, and she will do everything to be it

Name: Anais Ramirez (Green)

Age: Between 19-21 Years

Movements: he has almost no attacks, he would have applied mostly effects such as Rage, Taunt, Flustered, among others, he would also have a movement similar to Flash, but he would also have applied Blind since Green has piercings on his nipples

Favorite food: hot sauce

Likes: music

The most hated: the rules

Description: She is rebellious and all she wants is for her father to listen to her music

Name: Jennifer Holson (Yellow)

Age: Between 19-21 Years

Movements: you use his fists, he also has an attack where he hugs his opponents and they suffocate, (you know how they suffocate them) don't call me a pervert, Fliren was the one who designed the character, it was this or use the redesigns

Favorite food: brownies

Likes: drawing and the costumes

The most hated: having to organize their things

Description: She is very big and likes to spend time with her friends

Name: Carey Soren (Perpul)

Age: Between 26-28 Years

Movements: Use the old trick of spray cans and a lighter

Favorite Food: Does tobacco count as food?

Likes: smoking

Most hated: love movies

Description: An infertile woman who fulfills a maternal role

Name: Amy Mahone Jr. (Blue)

Age: Between 10-12 Years

Moves: use black magic

Favorite food: chocolate

Likes: reading

The most hated: the sun and spend much time in a place other than home

Description: She has a book of black magic that by the time she got to the shelter was already there.

Name: Ray Minier (Orange)

Age: Between 19-21 Years

Moves: Uses a bunch of trinkets that he pulls out of his sweater.

Favorite food: muffins

Likes: harassing people

Most hated: gangs

Description: a guy who seems to be omnipresent, because he always appears out of nowhere

Name: Boddy (Misspelling is intentional) Van Jahs (Brown)

Age: 26-28 Years

Movements: you use his fists, and that's it

Favorite food: anti depressant pills

Likes: acting like a woman

The most hated: that he refers to him as a man

Description: A ex lovelies who due to trauma thinks she is a woman

section 2-the history

everything starts in a flashback, where our protagonist (red) where she would meet some friends (green and orange), and then cut

and now the scene focuses on some joy boys, they are taking red while she is asleep, and the one who is apparently her dead brother lying on the ground, after a short walk the joy boys arrive at a warehouse, there red wakes up and she meets green again, but she is not alone but she is accompanied by three other girls (yellow, blue and purple), 12 years later, the girls are discussing what will be outside and suddenly one of the joy boys mutates, and then green and yellow They take advantage of this to escape.

red- what the hell are you doing.


green- red I don't want to spend everything in this warehouse, I just want to explore the rest of the world.


red - but the rest of the world is dangerous.


green- I don't care, I just want to get out!


purple- enough of arguing, we can make an agreement, they can go out but your red will have to escort green and yellow, I will stay taking care of blue because he is too young to be able to defend himself abroad


red- ok


(this is where red gets his baseball bat)


this is where the game starts, get ready for a round of summarized zones:


the surroundings: it is a very windy paramo,


area 1: forest with some small towns, at the end there is a fork to two Areas.


side of the fork: it's a paint factory, there's a gang called "painting mens".


down side of the fork: it is a cave where there is a gang called "xia fraternity"


lake of the night: regardless of the path you have chosen, you will always reach this place without enemies, here orange would reappear and red would change to its form 2


Now back to the story:

our trio of girls arrives in what seems to be the territory of a gang,


green-red, i think we're in gang territory


yellow - I don't think they can cause us problems


??? - Hey Babys


*the girls turn around to see who said that*


randy Cooper- perhaps you are the much sought after girls


*none of them answer*


Cleveland- I would not go with such confidence as long as they are women, they could be transvestites


Randy Cooper- well, they look too real to be... motherfucking, they're gone


green-red i think i fell in love

red- *face palm*


the next morning, the girls realize that they have discovered their lair, but far from what one thinks, they treat them really well, or well just green, even those who called themselves "the masked boys" had a station radio where green could upload his music for everyone to listen to, all this show of kindness is very suspicious, so red and yellow are in charge of putting up a barricade with garbage that they found around, but the next morning, green does not she was, and when they went looking for her, it turns out that all the members of "the masked boys" were trying to keep red and yellow from reaching randy's shack, and when they arrive...

green- I can explain.


red- this was the kind of situation we had to avoid.


green- oh sorry.


red- I will not forgive a whore!


randy cooper- who's calling you a whore.


*randy Cooper is hit hard in the stomach with a bat*


red- die damn pervert!


*before red can attack randy, yellow takes her out of the shack*


Yellow-red, you're going too far.


Red- understands that that guy just wanted to take green to bed!


Yellow- but if he and his gang don't seem like bad people, this might be the safe place we were looking for.


Red- well, if you want to stay here, then... stay here and don't go looking for me!


*Red runs off a cliff and jumps off, falling into a very deep lake*


and here the gang known as "extreme dynasty" will appear for the first time

you would have a fight which you could not win and they would take you to their base, and Red being alone with ajdem xatem, and after that cut,

1 month later, Red became a sex doll but alive, those of "extreme dynasty" take turns doing their acts and when they finish and so that they don't try to escape they give him joy pills, but suddenly.


*strange noises coming out of a hatch*


Red - ...


* Blue comes out of the hatch*


Blue - Red! Why are you here.


Red - …


Blue - why are you quiet, oh I see?


purple - I know a lot of dark things have happened and I'm sure they're having an emotional reunion, but I'm going to reaffirm my role as a mother by entering anyway


after that scene , our girls would try to escape from the "extreme dynasty" base but when our girls reach the exit, the leader (george xanadu) and his bodyguard (ajdem xatem) are blocking the exit.


george xanadu- i cant believe my men got ripped to shreds by a girl


Bule- and what did you expect, you leave me a book of black magic.


ajdem xatem- I didn't expect that trinket to actually work.


Bule- let's stop talking, I already want to go


after a fight


Red- what happened


Purple- red! I'm glad you regained consciousness


Red- oh, finally they are dead


Bule- I'm glad what they did to you didn't affect you so much... well, let's go


but when the girls leave the base, they find orange who is dead


Red- oh, my poor friend


*red kisses orange's corpse on the mouth and then throws up because he realizes he's kissing a corpse*


Bule - I think that did affect him


after that moment you would arrive at (the disteris city) a city led by the robotic knights, a gang made up of robots and having Garibaldi as a leader, it is said that they are strong as a leader, it is said that they are strong as buzzo and his men, they also have a ship in their possession and plan to colonize an island that it is believed that only women are there.


but that's worth cheese, because our girls and a former lovelies (Brown), beat them and steal their boat (if that's a summary)


but back to the story:

after a long journey, our girls and ex lovelies arrive on the island and decide to explore,

but when Red arrives at a plaza, he begins to hallucinate for taking joy.


???- Hello daughter


Red- who are you, and why do you call me daughter


*the mystery man lowers his hood*


Columbo- I came back from buying milk


Red- I have no memories of you, all my life I lived with my mother and my brother


???- that's because he abandoned us


???- we thought that if we said you that it would affect you in the future


Red- who are you, and why do you know so much about my past

*the 2 mysterious guys lower their hoods*


Mother- it's been a long time without seeing you, dear


Jeremy- you really have grown enough


Red- mom!, Jeremy!


*Red runs out to hug the hallucination of his mother, but the hallucination disappears*


Red- no, mommy, nooooo! *Begin to cry*


???- forgive me for interrupting your misfortune, but you would be interested in joy


Red- who are you, although I am interested in the joy


???- my name is harold holson, but you can call me doctor HH, and about joy just follow me


Red - ok


*doctor HH takes Red to his cave*


doctor HH- now sit on the stretcher, now I'm going to take out a little of…, because your legs are open


Red- what are you waiting for just do it


doctor HH- no, no, no, I was just going to draw your blood


*Red gets up from the stretcher*


Red- disgusting


* Red grabs doctor HH by the neck *


Red- why did you want my blood?


doctor HH- for personal consumption, stupid


*doctor HH bites Red*


Red- aaaaaaaaaah!


*doctor HH is hides in his safe but drops the key that opens the door that keeps the boxes with joy*

Then the action focuses on the other three characters (bule, purple, Brown) they arrive at the cave of doctor HH, and find the latter turned into a joy mutan, but instead of attacking our group, he ignore our protagonists, and just creeping in awe into the distance, our girls and the ex-lovelies go into the cave and find Red taking an insane amount of joy pills.

Bule- Red you're fine

*doesn't answer, then mutates*

8 months later, apparently our protagonists are fine.


*sobs heard in the distance*


Purple- Let's see what makes those sounds


The only thing they find is a baby with brown skin and red hair.

(if there are any grammatical errors don't notify me, I only had 2 days to write this)

section 3-conceptual art

here are a lot of doodles of characters to which I did not make a sprite for not being very important:


the joy boys from the beginning of the game


the NPCs of the first 2 areas, sorry for the bad art, in later entries it will get better


these lazy assholes


and his paint-addicted counterpart


other members of the masked boys


the Xs represent where the enemies would be located


some of them look like blizzard workers (i think i went too far with that joke)


and here you have george xanadu, I didn't find a sprite of him in normal size


inhabitants of disteris, just as badly drawn as those of the first areas


robots, who made them, what does it matter


the text says it all


the cave of doctor HH

and with that this post ends, the original colorful is from Fliren, if he wants me to delete this, then I will delete this post, I will be waiting for your questions, and see you next June 6



Next up

after a long time we have another success she achieved such a powerful synergy that on one occasion she defeated greed in a super easy way, I'm sure that fight took less than 15 seconds and the synergy was Mom's Contacts + Fire Mind + Proptosis

Tankmen asmr

here is the new achievement and the chosen one is Caín but this time I defeated mother's heart and (how l get the capture I'm not kidding, that's how it came out I still can't fix the error from the above post) I also mistakenly mentioned isaac sorry

I have an idea, let's put ranges of how much has arrived in the game, for example, I resent my arrival and defeated the mother's heart.

I made a collection of rando soldiers

a sprite I made and Number 15 to compare

It helps every time I take a screenshot and paste it in some image editor instead of the capture, this appear how do i fix it

Isaac this time he did manage to defeat mom's heart (and collected another capture in case you are still not convinced if the one in the photo is Isaac)

because banned to junkyboy2100

was a member of this community from gamejolt since its inception ¿anyone know why it was banned by gamejolt?

Lazarus managed to defeat the greed mode, his trick was to use Steam Sale so I buy many objects caused him to have a good super powerful synergy (note.originally i chose Caín but I used Clicker and lazarus came out)