anyways, the first easter egg has a bit of backstory : After some time of developing the game, someone who saw one of my old dev livestreams asked me if he could redo several assets I'd made, so I accepted. He redid alot of the UI (basically the whole menu and extras UI was made by him) and he also remade the newspaper to be 3D.
As a slight throwback whilst I was making the game, I made it so that there was a 1 in 203 (or a 0.5%) chance you'd actually see the old newspaper when selecting new game instead of the 3D one.

Also, one that's significantly rarer (if you really want this one you need to be on the scratch version, it can be done on the .exe file version but it's alot more tedious) if you open the game there's a 1 in 344695 chance this image pops up for a few seconds :

Yeah, for some reason this was meant to tie into the lore : SHPP was an evil company who made clone experiments to test and torture them, and by the time FNaS 5 The End Game 60 years later rolled around they were now combining unstable DNA and I guess this was supposed to be one of the results of the experiments. In all actuality though, it's just a heavily modified version of Golden Sonic v1.0 lol
(I'm pretty sure I got inspired to make him look like that because of an old youtube video thumbnail with Golden Sonic v1.0's eyes gone, I'd try and find it but I'm pretty sure it was deleted a while ago.)