An album playable as a game
Here is the trailer of the prototype. I'm planning to work on the project for a bit less than a year and I've been working on it for six months.
My objective is to make an electronic music album playable as a game. I mean, there is so much to do for interactive music that I think the futur of music is somewhere near the gaming universe. Even in games, music has evolved a lot, but is always submitted to game design and dev and never the inverse!
So I aim to develop things in another way: the music guides the dev in a serendipity way.
I also wrote a manifesto for my artistic will. Here it is:
Push the Boundaries of the Way we Play/Listen to Music: a technical and artistic approach to interactive music.
Automatic Writing and Serendipity: a surreal way of composing the story and developing the game content with serendipity.
Minimalistic Gameplay: give more space for contemplation of abstract visuals and even more attention to the musical and sonic elements of the game, that are the main focus of the project.
Minimalistic Systems and UI: more immersion for the player. No complexity, immediate onboarding.
Synaesthesia: attempt to make a world that lives according to music and visual connections.
Focus on Experimental Art and Trippy Mood: I wish to experiment on both the technical art and the interactive music system in order to push the boundaries of abstract and artistic games.
Diversity in Electronic Music Genres: as I always done in my musical career.
This Game is an Instrument as Much as it is an Art Piece: give the opportunity to the player to play the game as an album or live show during a party or whatever.
Use a Limited Range of Instruments: especially those that I'm testing for audio developers friends and a few others that I really need for the overall quality of the music.
There are a whole lot of things to manage meanwhile not dev related, like trying to find some funding, make marketing, talk to publishers and above all, find a community of people interested by the project!
I think Game Jolt is a great place to post artistic and less gameplay related games. At least, I'll see if this project interests you!
Tell me what you think and very soon I'll create a page for the project.