I just had no experience and i have high school making me too busy with things
I may just cancel it
Thanks for who ever followed this game, it was a bit exciting what's gonna be
But i'm just one person with 0 experience
I just had no experience and i have high school making me too busy with things
I may just cancel it
Thanks for who ever followed this game, it was a bit exciting what's gonna be
But i'm just one person with 0 experience
First episode of Delusional girl
(i know i got you guys excited for animation, i just don't have young girl vc and i don't think anyone in this site can help with that, for now it's this)
Delusional Girl Part 2
For now, I will practice sketching because you can see how unorganized this style is
(sorry if it's hard to read)
Meet... My persona
It's glass filled with tea as character and other stuff
Only wearing gloves (to prevent burning anyone's hands while handshaking or grab) and white shoes (pretend this is sugar :p)
Devlog 0.1
Ex axi animation complete (i will fix the right and left animation later)
I'm planning on changing the mod
(dw what you guys hoped for will be an optional song once i'm done with it
Funny new wall paper
Dw guy delusional girl is not like the rest of the creation I ignored (will put more effort into them later)
I went back to making new parts
Be patient :)
Dude why did they want to chase plank