I keep adding content to my universe related to the planet of my invention Osiris-1.
This time I wanted to add a large creature. First I drew the sketch in pencil and then I made the digital drawing with photoshop.
The result isn't perfect, but considering the time I spent without drawing, I'm quite satisfied.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all the people who follow me and haven't left me even though I haven't posted anything for months. It's complicated for me now to create and publish, but... I'm still here. Thank you, friends. 👍🏽
Report from Chief Scientist Hao, crewmember of the colony ship "Space Ark 2":
>Yesterday we lost one of our science team members, Dr. Newman, while accompanying the exploration party in a wooded area on the planet Osiris-1. The main vegetation in the area consisted of trees that give off a dense greenish gas, as well as a very thick type of grass and some beautiful luminescent plants. At the site was an abundance of what appeared to be luminescent rocks of great interest. The team rushed to take samples of the rocks, only to discover that they were something else. They weren't rocks, but huge, luminescent, crystalline-looking eggs. They learned this when a huge creature came to the site to protect its eggs. It was a gigantic animal that moved on long legs similar to those of an insect or arachnid. Its body was protected by a conical shell covered with sharp spikes. On the underside of the shell was a mouth with two concentric circles of teeth and what appeared to be four long luminescent tongues that it used to catch its prey. Dr. Newman was caught and engulfed by the creature, which we named the "Giant Spider Mollusk". Our main concern is the formidable protection the animal carries in its shell. What is it protecting itself from? Is there an even bigger predator on this planet?
>Exploration missions are suspended for 1 week.
>We will wait for our superiors to meet and decide how to proceed from now on.