I’m going on a road trip next weeks starting Sunday 4 - Thursday 8, I won’t be here posting on my media! I would still be here checking, I can also answers some Q&A questions I made for myself!
Q: Where are you going?
A: I’m going to New Jersey and New York with my family
Q: Why am I going?
A: Because my family does need a vacation, my dad wants to go back to the MET and find the Egyptian exhibit somewhere
Q: Any other reasons why I am going too?
A: Well, my mom told me that if I am growing up as an adult, we can’t travel as a family no more. I would rather stay home with my grandparents because I don’t like road trips that much, I would want to go to Japan but my parents just don’t care
Q: Am I also going on a Christmas vacation trip this year?
A: No, not really
Q: How long are you going to stay?
A: Probably 3 - 4 nights sleeping in a hotel and 5 days on vacation
Q: Are you going to have a good vacation?
A: Yeah, because my parents wants me to have and enjoy
Anyways, I think that’s all! I will return home after my roadtrip soon! I’m still at home, but I’m going to be prepared soon! See you next time after my roadtrip!