4 years ago

heya guys! for this thing im gonna be more connected here sooo...


  1. just one question to each character you can do one question for the 3 characters but it must be just one person

  2. ask what ever you want to dust....but don't ask him nothing of his sister ..please

  3. the questions can be here or in discord and they will answer when they come here

    and that's it for to today guys see ya and i'll wait for you questions see ya!



Next up

Do you remmember this? ....

Well this was my fist edit so...I ...remaked :D

yesterday i wachet the movie of cruella, and my mind said " ....edit of fell being cruella :3" " me: .w. ....nani? " x,d but whatever uwu

Read description....

noelle joined

Among us edit uwu

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Questions and answers

Question#2 @tchtra



Happy Birthday sister :D!