Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science

6 months ago

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #23 - (Created on: September 1st, 2024) FINALLY!!!! Another one's here at last!!!!! The Official #23rdHHSparodyCharcPoster's finally been created!!!! I've been saying those sentences way to many times already!!! #GEEZ!!

But anyways, after nearly six months of waiting, the official Haxx Hustun Studios Parody Character Cartoon Poster for "Drishing (Drish)" is finally been created!!!!! And by looking at it, the background of it looks exactly the same, but with a different colored-ed scheme as always!!!! And yes, this will also get affected for all other recalled parody mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science as well too!!!! Thankfully though as well, this one has a bit more words about Drishing and everything!!!!!

Umm??? HMMM!!!! I uh?????.......I don't think that I'd actually found some perfect colors for the words and everything on Drishing's poster and everything, because I can barely read all of that!!!!! But not everything's all perfect and dandy right??? And yes, folks, this one may be a rushed parody project that I'd created for today!!! Because not only that I was busy eating dinner with my parents and also forgotten to officially release the official #36thJJSvideo, but I am also been busy working very hard on the #8thOfficialEpisodeChapter of the Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicle Series!!!!

As of right now and everything, it's now in the works!!! It may actually also take a really long time to make and everything as well too!!! So yeah, stay tuned like around on September 4th or 5th of 2024 to see in its fullest action and everything!!!! And anyways folks, September of 2024's already looking pretty good and everything!!!!! I can't believed that I'd created like five or six posts here on GameJolt in just one single day on the very start of a brand new month!!!!! But again folks, stay tuned for some more future updates and see you all in about a few days!!!! And of course, wish me luck at my job!!!!! #IllAlwaysLoveYouAll!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #DrishIsNothingButSomething..........?????? #NapatureScienceLovesYouAll!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Next up

HHS Cartoon Depictions #36 & #37 (For Evelyn Claythorne & Enchant Ender Dragon "EED or ED") - Both Created on: Sept. 16th, 2024 Wow!!! Two more official HHS Cartoon Depictions!?!?!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #25 - (Created on: September 26th, 2024) My deepest apologies for them long parody delays, but now, here on September 26th, 2024, it's finally been created!!!!!

Is this #Centum Centum Game here's REALLY a lie or something here????? Look, whatever it is of course, here's an official small screenshot that I'd officially took from my official wishlist on STEAM......


Sakehatenafiyer's Heads #4 & #5 (Jaylack "Jaytoned" Drawnsoon & Gerrorgay Correctonson "Males Age 139 & 200") - Both Created Together on: March 12th, 2025 MY GOD DDS HQ!!!! There's another one here!!!!! And it's combine together as two here?????


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Sakehatenafiyer's Head #1 (Kenry A. Ngry "Male Age 156") - Created on: March 9th, 2025 Something's not even right here folks!!!! We have meet some strange looking parody-like snake creature for today/tonight here!!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #40 (For Nister Stop-An-Pop) - Created on: Jan. 4th, 2025 It's been nearly three or four months now, since Haxx Hustun Studios had created their previous #CartoonDepiction back in 2024!!!!!

Rat Race Production Update

Sakehatenafiyer's Head #3 (Sussan Drawnsoon "Female Age 137") - Created on: March 13th, 2025 Well guys, today's what you all think it is here, March 13th, 2025's when DDS HQ has finally shown us the final snake soul thingy-thang-thing!!!!!!