2 years ago

Hi, everybody I'm working on a game that is not completed yet but this shows my advance with him, so if someone given his opinion, Any is welcome to my new project.



Next up

I made the first trailer about an advance of my game as the battle system, music, places and characters.

Hey, someone remember Till, is one of all creppypastas who never could have an reference or aparition in any game created by those fans about Sonic.Exe or Slenderman. Well i made an game with RPG Maker who is interested, the game called "Zodiacal Monster"

I made this Final Fantasy's logo with Photoshop, it's so funny use this app. This take inspiration about a movie called District 9 and make a fusion with Final Fantasy and TA-DA!!.

The importance of learn to draw slowly step for step....In Photoshop and I know how to do it with love and creativity. The man of the picture is how must be seen a main character...

Hi, i'm a new member, it's a pleasure said that i have an rpg maker game full version about many topics since fantasy until so, if someone want to do an test, i will answer for any opinion good, neutral or bad.

The first trailer of Corrupted Soul:

Look at my video, it was made by Paint.


There is a link about my game what i made with RPG Maker XP and besides free ready by any system, i will show some images how looks:

Hi, everybody I'll make you my new advance about a game that I'm doing it, then would be important to me know, which are their opinions?

And remember..Wishes never are for the eternity.

Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.