Hi guys, its been a while hasent it? Well I am here to bring some news and a job or two to some people who will work on this game for free as a side project. Again of course, you will be included on the credits screen and get a fair say on what happens but of course I get the final say as I am the lead designer and producer. So here are the jobs available:
Wario/Waluigi voices and voices for the Mario brothers(no I dont mean from the Super Mario Bros Super Show),
Animator for cutscenes,
artist 2D/3D,
Powerup artist,
concept art maker/designer,
Font artist.
Also a heads up, there is most likely to be A) A playable,unlockable Crash Bandicoot as a homage to the PS1 series/twinsanity or B)a Crash Bandicoot easter egg of some sorts as a homage.