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Hello everyone, we noticed little activity on our game and decided to start drawing comics in order to attract more people to our project. Now you see the prologue to the rest of the comics.
Have fun!
Artist - @Neco-chan
Eng: New update coming soon?
Рус: Новое обновление скоро?
Hello everyone, I came to show you the art with Spampton and inform you about the hardmod update of DRPV, be sure to play it! ;3
Here is the link:
Sprite Commission!
All main menus
Sans If He Actually Did His Job
Hi. So I decided to add shadows and plates to Spamton GIGA from my last post. I hope you will like it
Eng: Oh no, Spampton is charging his gun!
Rus: О нет, Спамптон заряжает свою пушку!
Undertale - Alphys if it was still 2016
Hi. Today will be my old art with Spamton GIGA