Hey it’s me Bub today is a sad day because recently one of our Greatest admin members from the AIABM server got banned permanently from discord that means well might not be able to do much as intended….so there’s not gonna be anymore Leaks or new svgs/sprites I’m sorry if it upsets you but I hope you can understand..
with all that being said…I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life…I lost my best friend over something I couldn’t control and now discord banned him..so except me to take this Community group and Discord server more seriously because I want @ArtyMik9082005 gone more than anyone else in this server and I know you want to have him gone
and I want all admins to take there jobs seriously and properly because I don’t want this happen again nor do I wish discord banning all of us
that is all I’m going to say…I’m defeated inside and mentally and that’s all I’m gonna say thank you and good night.