3 months ago

Hi, guys I drew @Stepanie

I told you before how I got time to draw this 😉

Hope you all like it 😌

Stay Tuned 😉



Next up

Here is my first meme!

Hope you all like it 😊

Stay Tuned 😉


I played Among Us and made two new friends! I hope you all will play with me soon.

Hope you all like it 😊

Here is my Among Us IP Address - retrocomma#1370

Stay Tuned 😉


and thanks @PlushAleenathefox for a beautiful FanArt with @MJISback !

Stay Tuned 😉

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Hi, guys I played Sonic. Exe The All Seeing Eye, after a long time and got access to get out of these badniks 😁

Hope you all like it 😊

But, wait... Hey, @WiskitePC can't you please add less badniks, it took me many tries to complete the preview of game 😕

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

So, here is third gameplay of Sonic. Exe The All Seeing Eye on Android!

Well, in post I told you all that I close the friend requests but, you can still be my friend, if you give me your whole bio in comments so, that you can be my friend 🙂

Stay Tuned 😉

GT Goku is stronger than DBS Goku?

Stay Tuned 😉

quick pixels 2 - sonic the hedgehog

: Aseprite

Hi, guys here is the last gameplay of Sonic. Exe The All Seeing Eye on Android!

This the end of preview and a little boss fight. Hey, @WiskitePC you made the starting of the whole level hard with badniks, but, what about boss fight? Make it a bit harder.