2 years ago
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In the voting that ended today, the option that I will stop making fan art based on fnaf parodies, and the gamejolt.com/invite/Negative_Fox will continue my work, won.
Maskie Reveal Teaser!
My fanart (it's for https://gamejolt.com/games/onwn/776535 from https://gamejolt.com/@LoreDeveloper).
My fanart (it's for https://gamejolt.com/games/evergreen/510665 from https://gamejolt.com/@Kane). Guys, I've already started doing PYRO ILLUSION fan art, and there will be a vote for the next fan art soon.
Guys, I made this fan art as I promised Kazovsky. The next fan art will be voted on. My fanart (it's for https://gamejolt.com/games/thereturntobloodynights/595647 from https://gamejolt.com/@kazovsky).