1 year ago

Hi, i know it past like a month or more since last time

What did i made while i was inactive??

First of all, sorry if i didnt upload new videos in March, i know that a lot of you want me to be back to Youtube but i cant for the same situation

When ill be back??

I dont really know, im not gonna lie you with a date that probably will never happen, maybe in April, but again..... i dont know

Maybe you can say that i can made videos in the laptop but i cant since is not mine, i cant download games, i dont know how record in pc and i like made everything in Android

What are you plans in the future when you have phone??
Well, for my return i wanna upload Far From Land or Forgotten Memories, but for that last game i need a phone that resist all the content of the game, for that and to made better videos i want a phone that is much better that the one i got

What was you doing all the time you was inactive??

Well, help my family in home, studying for the exam for the University, playing Roblox, watching Youtube, Gamejolt and Discord and watching all your comments you leave in the videos, even i dont have phone i read all the comments you leave and your suggestions for new videos

I also help Mr Hipster in his new game translating it to Spanish, you can support it here, the game comes out in April 1st. Is the first time in my life i work in a game and it was amazing. Give it a follow to the game and my friend, he did an amazing job


If you return to Youtube are you gonna finish the Interview with green Jerry??

Yes, i have everything ready, i just have to record the gameplays for the video, i also have all the material for Five Nights at Bootleg Plush 3 before my phone die in my Drive, but yeah, i didnt forgot about that

Thats all i have to say, i know you miss me and im doing my best to get a new phone, thanks to everyone for your patience




Next up

It wasn't easy, I got 45 deaths, Granny and The Twins, here I go


No fue facil, tuve 45 muertes, Granny y The Twins, alla voy

Sorry for not posting content, I was focused and stressed with the course, the video is 2 hours long Slendrina


Perdón por no estar activo, he estado ocupado y estresado con el curso, aquí les dejo algo, dura 2 horas todo Slendrina


New changes in community

Added Development channel to share the progress of your proyects

Deleted Fan Arts Channel

Nuevos cambios en comunidad

Se añadió el canal de Desarrollo para compartir el avance de tus proyectos

Se elimino el canal de Fan Arts

The full game is now available!!! (but first I'll leave you with some tips)

Christmas is around the corner

A day of happiness, right?

Is a shame that in my case I'm gonna suffer....


Navidad está a la vuelta de la esquina

Un día de felicidad, verdad?

Es una pena que en mi caso voy a sufrir...

"I will never give up until I leave you in ashes"

The page for the 2nd game is available!!! along with the story and all the revealed information (read article)

follow the sequel:





I have this video in private 4 days, the episode with Green Jerry is in progress, expect more this week


Este video ha estado en privado por 4 días, el episodio con Green Jerry está en progreso, esperen más está semana

I dunnu how I made 3 videos in a week....


Sepa Judas cómo hice 3 videos en una semana
