3 years ago

Hi! I would like to say that we now have a tab for you to report bugs found in the game! thanks for your attention, good night.



Next up

Loading System is now working!

New Update (progress 10%)


Audio options》

Glamrock Freddy》

If you want to ask something about the game (Fnaf sb 2D), ask here and I'll try to answer as soon as possible! (Gemaplys screenshot)

It's not a gameplay, it's just an image showing how the cutscene system of the game will be, this system will avoid bugs, as well as leaving the game with better fps rates.

(Portuguese version)


New update preview 1

Jump system is now working! :D


- Voltei com Fnaf SB 2D e estarei focando nele pelos ultimos 2 meses, stamina e freddy serão colocados no jogo, Faz-Watch com mais câmeras.

- Stageo's Park R terá notícias em novembro

New Update gameplay