Treasure Island: Expedition
22 days ago

Hi!!! Sorry for silence I've been pretty tired but progress has kicked back up recently!!!

Mascot Prep should be done probably sometime next month!!



Next up

wtf is this

this shit has to be an error

Lounge 1 Ace, New Game+ Stuff, and a very W.I.P Mascot Codex Entry

Lounge 1 Ace's render is unfinished and kinda ehh currently.

The Mascot Codex entry is a W.I.P and will 100% change, the Deez render is a placeholder.

i am blood freddy hear my battle cry hear that mighty roar

Not really a good room to stay in for the night.

happy anniversary to one of the greatest games ever created

happy anniversary to... uhm...

uhh... uh... uhm...

Kingdom Hearts?

This is impossible. There's no way I can actually beat this.

The intro is nearly done, It just needs polish and some tweaking and I'll be able to move onto the Mascot Prep. nights.