3 years ago

hi welcome to the easter special

by me and @Mr_noreason

also no this is not chapter 3

Asshole: hey dipshit

Dipshit: Hm?

Asshole: It's easter

Disphit: E-Easter? Oh! That's right, Easter...

Asshole: Yep.

Asshole: Do we celebrate?

Dipshit: Yeah, I have almost finished making a costume for Easter..

Asshole: Nice, can I see?

Dipshit: Sure...

[Dipshit shows Asshole his costume.]

Asshole: .. .. . . .

Asshole: it looks gay

Dipshit: I don't like making costume's! I tried to use a machine that I found in the basement of my lab, but I used the machine and it made this!

Asshole: your machine made your costume into a gayass chicken

Asshole: anyway when are we gonna celebrate?

Dipshit: In a few hours...

Asshole: Alright

Dipshit: Are you going to make your costume?

Asshole: Yes


Asshole: Actually I already finished my costume.

Dipshit: Oh!

Asshole: Yeah

Asshole: It's just a simple bunny costume tho

Dipshit: Oh.

Dipshit: I wonder what Mark and Mr_noreason are doing right now...

Asshole: Hm... I wonder too.

Dipshit: Yep..

[Meanwhile with Mark and M.NR.]


Mr_noreason: ...

Markiplier: so, what do we do

Mr_noreason: I don't know...

Markiplier: wanna get taco bell

Mr_noreason: Hm, I think I got an idea for Easter..

Markiplier: I forgot it was easter

Markiplier: What's the idea?

Mr_noreason: Hmmm..

Mr_noreason: Well I was think of people dropping off their easter egg's to us..

Markiplier: who would drop off easter eggs to us

Mr_noreason: Hmmm...

Mr_noreaosn: People who does not like Easter...

Markiplier: Good idea

Markiplier: But how will we get them to give us theyre easter eggs

Mr_noreason: Well we can make easter costume and make a sign..

Markiplier: oh

Markiplier: I already have a rabbit costume

Markiplier: I'll go put it on

Mr_noreason: Ok!

[markiplier goes to put the costume on]

[markiplier comes out of the closet]

Markiplier: im gay

Markiplier: just kidding, anyway how do you like my costume

Mr_noreason: Look's good!

Markiplier: Thanks

Markiplier: Do you have a costume?

Mr_noreason: I am already wearing the costume...

Markiplier: oh

Markiplier: I didn't really notice

Mr_noreason: So how do you like it?

Markiplier: It looks great!

Mr_noreason: Thanks!

Markiplier: No problem

Markiplier: Wait, remember your fatass wife

Mr_noreason: Yeah?

Markiplier: What if she uh

  • Markiplier: hm

Markiplier: Nevermind I forgot, when are we gonna get the easter eggs?

Mr_noreason: After we make the sign...

Markiplier: oh right

Markiplier: what will the sign say

Mr_noreason: Hmmmm…

Mr_noreason: I was think it would stand for…

Mr_noreason: “M.NR’S EEDP.”

Markiplier: what the hell does that mean

Mr_noreason: “Mr_noreason’s Easter Egg Drop Off.”

Markiplier: great idea

Markiplier: lets get to it

Mr_noreason: All right!

[Mark and M.NR make the sign and they go outside.]

Markiplier: Now we wait.

Mr_noreason: Yep..

[Back with Dipshit and Asshole]

Asshole: theyre probably doing something stupid

Dipshit: Yeah..

Asshole: let's go outside

Dipshit: Ok.

[Dipshit and Asshole go outside.]

Asshole: ......

Asshole: look

Dipshit: ..?

[Asshole points at Mr_noreason and Markiplier]

Asshole: Look at those 2 dumbasses.

Dipshit: What the hell are they doing?

Asshole: I don't know, they're holding up a sign

Dipshit: What does it say?

Asshole: I'm not sure

Dipshit: Well let them do there own shit, let’s get back to doing.

Asshole: Alright, then.

[Dipshit stopped looking at the window and went to doing what he was doing.]


Dipshit: So what the hell do we do for Easter?

Asshole: idk

Asshole: We just have to figure it out, I guess

Dipshit: Ok..

Dipshit …

Asshole: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Dipshit: So what do we do?

Asshole: Hm...

Asshole: Well usually people try to look for eggs outside

Dipshit: They look for eggs outside?..

Asshole: I think so, it's what I heard about easter

Dipshit: …

Asshole: but the eggs are chocolate

Dipshit: Chocolate?..

Asshole: Yeah

Dipshit ..

Dipshit: I mean, I kinda want to look for eggs..


Asshole: huh

Asshole: alright then

Asshole: wait I can't eat chocolate I'm a dog

Dipshit: Well I’m a cat!

[Dipshit sees a red light coming from a room.]

Asshole: what's that?

Dipshit: I don’t know..

Dipshit: Let’s go check it out..

Asshole: Alright..

[They both go check it out.]

Dipshit: …

Asshole: what is that?

Dipshit: It looks like a… person?..

Dipshit: …

Asshole: Hm...

???: …

???: I know you are behind me you two..

Asshole: ....

[??? was taking some equipment..]

???: Easter… That holiday..

???: Y’know, I never liked Easter… and… I have been living in the shadows for such a long time…

???: So what am I doing? Well…

[??? turned around.]

Dan: I am making sure THEY rise again..

Dipshit: Wait.. Dan?..

Asshole: You know him?

Dan: It’s been a long time Max…

Dipshit: …

Dan: And you never still learn the day, the day that THEY will rise again… On Easter, I always make sure that they will be seeing me again…

Dipshit: Wait, who is… THEY?..

Dan: …

Dan: You’ll learn soon.. [He then flys and goes through a hole that he broke, while taking some equipment.]

Asshole: who the hell was that?

Dipshit: An old friend…

Dipshit: We need to find him, he has some of our stuff.

Asshole: But where could he be right now?

Dipshit: …

Dipshit: Near our old tree house..

Dipshit: ..

Asshole: Our old treehouse...?

Dipshit: And how did I know he was near there? Because I saw he had some stuff from the treehouse, so we should go there..

Asshole: Should we bring anything?

Dipshit: Bring weapons…

Dipshit: We need to go, NOW!

Asshole: Okay!

[They both got into there truck and they drive fast to the abandoned treehouse.]

Dipshit: All right, we are here..

Dipshit: Did you grab weapons?..

Asshole: Yeah.

Dipshit: Let’s go.. [They both got out of the truck, they went to the abandoned treehouse and they see Dan building a portal under the treehouse..]

Asshole: [ Asshole whispers to dipshit ] Is he making a portal..?

Dipshit: I think.. he is?.. What the hell.. Why is he making a portal? He never makes portals..

Asshole: Huh...

Dipshit: HEY DAN!

[Dan looks behind.]

Dan: Max… So… you have to came to see the celebration of our master coming?..

Dipshit: M-Master?..

Dan: Our master, he will return from the stars to here…

Dipshit: What?.. What in the FUCK are you talking about?..

Asshole: What does he mean " master " ?

Dan: Oh, so you never heard of him?.. Well, it seems like I must be forgotten….

[Dan puts his hands up.]

Dan: I am all yours..

Dipshit: This was quick but anyways… YOU HAVE ANY LAST WORDS?!

[ Asshole points weapon at Dan]

Dan: Why yes, my last words… The GLITCH shall rise again…


Dipshit: Take him down..

[ Asshole shoots Dan ]

[Dan falls down.]

Dipshit: ..

Dipshit: C’mon, let’s take this portal down and do some easter stuff..

Asshole: Right.

[They take the portal down and they put it in the truck, they drove back to the lab and they put the portal stuff in the basement..]

Dipshit: ....

Asshole: Hey Max?

Dipshit: Yes Erica?..

Asshole: What do you think he meant by " The glitch shall rise again " ?

Dipshit: …

Dipshit: I.. I don’t know what he meant by that…

Dipshit: I think it’s… nonsense..

Dipshit: But.. let’s go celebrate Easter now..

Asshole: Okay..

[Meanwhile with Mark and Mr_noreason.]

Mr_noreason: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 Easter egg’s! Just what we needed.

Markiplier: I can't believe our plan worked!

Mr_noreason: Yep! We got some eggs from.. 5 to 9 people..

Markiplier: what do we do with the eggs

Mr_noreason: Wanna go into my house and paint them something funny onto them?

Markiplier: hell yeah

Mr_noreason: Alright! Let’s go! [Mark goes into Mr_noreason’s house and M.NR goes into the house with the basket and he shuts the front door.]

[The end.]









Next up


i haven't posted in twenty million years so here's some art

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asshole and dipshit

how wonderful

future is Future Past is past future is future but now. now is our time