2 years ago

Hiatus Update: Still ongoing due to health issues. No plans of abandoning the project, but progress is delayed indefinitely.

I've been dealing with chronic pain for a while now, among other issues. It makes it difficult to function, let alone do the things I actually want to do. On top of this, I do have a part-time job. SAVE OUR SOULS just isn't a priority until I can actually live comfortably again.

With that said, let me make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that I have no intentions of abandoning this project. It still means a lot to me, and I want to expand the world of Undertale and pay tribute to all that it means to me. Plus, I truly believe I've made characters whose stories are worth telling.

But for now? I'm afraid I need to work on myself, first. I'm sorry it's taken this long to make a statement, and it may be a while longer before there is another one.



Next up

Rex V2 Official Artwork + Sprite

Kurrel's new official artwork is completed!

Fantastic art by prismabunny on Twitter!

More plushie sprites!

Here's a complete plushie collection with a background, just for funsies

The Vessels from the Scarlet Swarm AU, Ardentia and Vestige! Both belong to Graphic Ginger, and I highly recommend checking out their DARKSIDE Hollow Knight animation!

Reposting since this got ejected without reason... again. She/it only please!

Speaking of Abyss, have some Hollow Knight vessels!

More fantastic UT:SOS fan art by @Burned_Traveller !