First off, there's a secret button that you can click at the Right Corner from the 'Characters' section where you can actually see the full body of the Dev Night characters!

"Alternative View" is like the Flashlight from the cameras, but it would show a different view from the animatronics, such as more darker skin, flashing lights at the screen and all of their eyes would bright, it was discarted as this would take more job to make and eventually deleted the entire code for make it work.

Oh, and here's a fun fact! Did you know that Maddie actually had Voice Lines! Yeah, cool right? They were basically me just saying "Meow" at the mic, but with a higher pitch. You can guess why they were deleted (Maybe in the future i will reveal the voice lines as an extra content for the game).

"Hell Night" is made up to be impossible, but if you ever managed to beat it, you could have a talk with SpringMida! This was made even before Five Nights at Arias 2 was released, so you couldn't guess who this "Mysterious" characters was.

Unused "Talk with SpringMida" sprite.

The Daily Tip function was actually at thing when we started making the game, in fact, it was already programmed to work in-gameplay! But at the end we replaced it with the 'Loading Screen Tips' instead of this.

If you didn't notice, as you progress at the game, it will start creating "Messages" inside your computer for understand the lore, well, if you try to cheat inside the game it will just send you a cute message from us ;)

Also, have you found this key in the Minigames yet? ;)

And as a final fact, here's some funny in-game memes that we added just in case of somebody trying to get the Game Images, enjoy :D