5 years ago

Hide and Seek

It just came into my mind-

Here's da song :3

It was a silent night...THE CLOUDS WERE BLACK AND THEN-

(Okay okay, back to reality here)

It was a silent night. Pikachu was in her living room watching television when suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She looked at her phone. "12.00 AM...who the heck will come here in this middle of the night?" Pikachu thought to herself. She made a desicion that she will not open the door.

"Ding Dong
I know you can hear me
Open up the door
I only want to play a little~"

A chilling male voice said through the door. Pikachu sighed, knowing the voice belongs to who. "Go away, Sonic! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!!" Pikachu yelled. "You're lying." Sonic rolled his eyes. "No i'm not!!" Pikachu yelled. "THEN HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HEAR THE TV?!" Sonic yelled back. Pikachu sat there in silent. "You're right." Pikachu then switch off the television and yelled through the door. "I'm going to sleep now! See ya!" Pikachu said. "Okay phoenix..if that's how you want to play.." Sonic laughed.

"Ding Dong
You can't keep me waiting
It's already too late
For you to try and run away"

Pikachu heard his voice again. A beads of sweat came down through her face.

"I see you through the window
Our eyes are locked together
I can sense your horror
Though I'd like to see it closer"

Pikachu slowly looked outside from the window. Her terrified greyish blue eyes were met with the emerald eyes. Sonic giggled as she quickly ran away. He then took out Pikachu's house key from his pocket (HE IS NOT WEARING PANTS OKAY). He then insert the key and opened the door.

"Ding Dong
Here I come to find you
Hurry up and run
Let's play a little game and have fun"

He continued. Pikachu heard his chilling voice near and looked around to search a hiding place.

"Ding Dong
Where is it you've gone to?
Do you think you've won?
Our game of hide and seek has just begun"

Sonic continued while looking around. He smirked when he saw a blue hedgehog ran upstairs.

"I hear your footsteps
Thumping loudly through the hallways
I can hear your sharp breaths
You're not very good at hiding"

Sonic then silently followed the female upstairs. Pikachu smiled when she saw her bedroom. She quickly entered it and locked the door.

"Just wait, you can't hide from me
(I'm coming)
Just wait, you can't hide from me
(I'm coming)
Just wait, you can't hide from me
(I'm coming)
Just wait, you can't hide from me"

Pikachu's heart skip a beat when he heard a knock on the door. She then quickly hid in a walk-in closet.

"Knock Knock
I am at your door now
I am coming in
No need for me to ask permission"

"How the heck did he get in?!?!" Pikachu thought to herself in panic.

"Knock Knock
I'm inside your room, now
Where is it you've hid?
Our game of hide and seek's about to end"

Sonic looked around for his girlfriend. He then turned to her bed.

"I'm coming closer
Looking underneath your bed but
You're not there, I wonder
Could you be inside the closet?"

The male hedgehog then looked underneath her bed but nothing was there. He looked at the closet and smirked.

"Ding Dong
I have found you"

Pikachu screamed when the door flung opened revealing Sonic holding a pan. (XD)

"Ding Dong
You were hiding here
Now you're it"

Sonic then grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes.

"Ding Dong
Finally found you, dear
Now you're it
Ding Dong
Looks like I have won
Now you're it
Ding Dong
Pay the consequence
Ding Dong
Looks like I have won
Now you're it
Ding Dong
Pay the consequence"

"Found ya~" Sonic said in a teasing way. "NOPE!" Pikachu then kicked him on the stomach and get out of the closet. She looked around and saw a window. "BYE!!" Pikachu then jumped out from the window. (I'm sorry XD)



".....-dangerous..." Sonic finished his sentence when he saw Pikachu face fall in the mud. She then looked up and glared at him. "You should told me earlier!!"

~After a bath (since she fell in the mud)~

"Why did you do that?" Pikachu asked the male hedgehog who was chuckling nervously. "I uh...for fun??" Sonic scratched his head. Pikachu looked at him with an unimpressed look. "Then what's up with the pan?" Pikachu pointed at the pan beside him. "Oh uhh...I haven't had dinner yet.." "Then why don't you cooked dinner at your house?" Pikachu tilted her head in curiousity. "I...scared Tails and he uh..kicked me out for the night hehehe..." Pikachu rolled her eyes. "Fine I make you dinner." She then headed to the kitchen.

~After dinner~ (sorry I was lazy... :>)

"C-can I...stay with you tonight?" Sonic asked while putting his hand on his back. Pikachu smiled at him. "Sure. Good thing I have a guest room so you can stay there." Sonic grinned. "Thanks!" "Now...I need my sleep. Good night!" Pikachu then entered her room and locked the door behind her. Sonic then thought it might be fun to play with her again..

"Ding Dong
I know you can hear me
Open up the door
I only want to play a lit-"

Pikachu groaned and yelled.


Done...it's kinda fun to do this tho. Well, hope you enjoy. Take care and Pikachu out!



Next up

Working on something my younger self would love to have! :)

Almost finish with a wip!

I need to stop cause it’s getting late and I ran out of ideas for a background jsjsjs


its been awhile since i drew her

also its her first time in sonic x style :D

Crystal The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

Hey! How's it going?

Nebula The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

“Indahnya sungguh di hari Raya”

Late Raya art trade with @Al_creativelylazy !! Really sorry for doing my part late -

I literally whipped up the bg from Google

I’m obsessed

Also I just noticed I haven’t drew Pika in awhile so here’s her comeback

Me and @PikachuTheHedgehog has made another name for William Afton!


Fanart for someone on Insta