Holy Byzantine passports are now offically made and here is the template (link to passport is on Canva) https://www.canva.com/design/DAFwJ1TzAyw/v-pe6NnmLBae5Fd5ohsyRg/edit?utm_content=DAFwJ1TzAyw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
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#MinecraftBuild this maybe Idk
Hoi4 Larry the cat portrait (I made a better one but I can't put it here)
the Femboyzantine is gone!
What the fuck bro?
There are now 4 provinces in the Holy Byzantine kingdom that are brand new! Philippia, Alaaskiana, Antraastica and Chiliana! These states have been added after the NZ Achaemid empire left the Frankenverse.
New pfp for Spoopy month
Join the universe of the German confederation! (if you want to...) (apply in the comments!)
Evolution of the Holy Byzantine flag!