5 months ago
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14 views in Billion years
Bro fell off
Are Tom and @im_not_FlipaClipdrawer_anymore the same person ????
Sorry for still no update, seems like v2.5 situation repeats.
However I can ensure you that I'm keep working and give you something incredible[as for me at least XD]
+ Good news: Game won't be detected as virus anymore! We got rid of that issue for good!
Smurf cat eughghghggfwgfgwg
GameOver Screen Retake
Well... at least you have a new sneak peak now
"Its Balenciaga , how'd you know?"
This is Jamal
He is pretty chill
New equipment mechanic + animations improvement
Plushie Souls' Recreations - Regular Teaser 2
Idk about you guys , but i see major improvements
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