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Kingdom Hearts ReDestined GBA Style Sprites by TheBlueThunder_ on Twitter. Even MORE to come soon! 😀👍
(Keyblader WoL character by FudgemintGuard on Twitter.)
What if Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy 1 was a Keyblade Master in Kingdom Hearts. Meet Master Argus!
Original Concept by FudgemintGuard on Twitter.
Pics by Keyblades-chosen-one and JointOperation on DeviantArt.
Some KH GBA Sprites of FF themed Heartless designs by Drooling_Demon on Twitter. Sprites by TheBlueThunder. 😎👍
Original Pic. https://twitter.com/Drooling_Demon/status/1605274430388994048?t=…
Kingdom Hearts ReDestined Manga - Argus/WoL, Terra and Luneth. Based on the Artstyle of Shiro Amano.
Art by Drake-Fenrir on Twitter/X.
#kingdomhearts #ReDestined #Manga #shiroamano #finalfantasy #fanart
Kingdom Hearts ReDestined Advance Sprites by JustAdremer on DeviantArt.
KH Sora Kairi & Riku in Kirby Super Star Ultra Art Style! 🎨
Pics by NendoX9 on DeviantArt.
Final Fantasy 1-6 Main Characters as KH Keybladers. (PLUS Sora vs. Keyblader WoL, and Kairi and Keyblader Terra Bradford.) Art by FudgemintGuardian.
Introducing the Warlock Judge Heartless, a Powerful Heartless that uses it's Warhammer to cast Dark Thundaga and Gravity Magicks, as well as smite it's opponents.
Design by ReverseCrown on DeviantArt. (Based off the Judges of FF12)