Like, just improve animals? Make them have some interesting routines with cool animations? You gave Sniffer and Warden very fluid animations but pigs or sheeps? And animals could sleep at night!
Also how about some slight visual variants of the usual mobs?
Not an entire variant like Husk, Stray or Bogged but just small differences between mobs, it's not hard to do but would be a very nice addition.
Make goats drop goat meat?
Add wolf meat?
What's your problem, in this game you can kill the animals anyways, NO, no kid will play Minecraft and kill their dog for meat, if they do they already have a disorder and would anyways do something bad eventially so shut it.
Also Golden Bars? If there is already Iron Bars.
Village Variants that aren't in the game? If you take so long on structures, just add the variants we always wanted, both sides should be happy from this.