Welcome to the second Alpha update. Today we bring you new features, like the exterior things. Let’s see:
Now, the objects adjust to the walls. That is, if you put a toilet, it will be next to the nearest wall.
Exterior things: grass, glass door and outdoor light.
GUI window that warns you when you push the ‘Exit game’ button.
Added towels. They are just visual, but adds prestige (works like the plants or the lights).
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug in which you could get more than 5 of prestige by building stuff.
Fixed a bug that won’t let you remove an object/build walls or floor when a bed was on that square.
Now, the Room labels aren’t attached to a door.
During the next updates we will try to get more interactions for the guests, and more content.
If you find any bug, please, put it in the comments and we will fix it.
See you in the next update!