Hey guys!
House Party 0.6.0 was just released to Alpha testers. It includes a huge update to Rachael’s story as well as a ton of game improvements. There is also a contest going on in the Discord channel (https://discord.gg/87CGZKK) to see who can complete all of the newest content first, so if you haven’t already, join us!
Here is a list of all of the new updates and features in 0.6.0:
General Bug Fixes
Updated Path-finding
Fixed an issue where characters would fall through walls and doors when fighting
Updated drunk mechanics (All characters can now get visually tipsy when drunk)
Fixed an issue where Rachael’s genitals were invisible
Added Loading Screen
Added Server Connectivity Status
Added Patrick’s voice
Added Brittney’s voice
Added Rachael’s voice
Added New Frank voice lines
Added New Stephanie voice lines
Added New Katherine voice lines
Added back yard
Player can now go outside
Added new facial expressions
Characters faces now animate more when they talk
Added ability to sprint (left shift)
Huge Rachael story update
Added “Hunt for Red’s Thermos” quest
Added “Frankly, I Don’t Trust You” quest
Added “Phonegate” quest
Added “Fuck Tuesday” quest
Added “Dare Interference” quest
For more information about how to get 0.6.0, click here:
To download the latest free version of House Party, click here: