Hi guys,
It’s been a while.
Today, I’ll tell you how the DLC is coming along currently.
The DLC is coming along good. I haven’t done much to it in a while. I have done a lot of things today though.
I’ve done the trophies on GameJolt. Not all of the trophies are implemented in the DLC yet. I will try to implement them in the next coming days. I have created an astonishing 16 trophies! This is the most trophies I have had in anything!
The Gameplay I’ve planned is pretty straightforward. This is because I have created a visual novel type DLC. I’ll try to further figure out how I will do the coding, considering that I haven’t done anything like this before.
I’ve not done any art yet. I will try to do the art in the next coming days. I’ll try to make the art better than the main game because I want this DLC to be pretty.
I haven’t planned this DLC in a document. This is because it will be easier to make the DLC and I don’t want to plan due to it being a pain to write, and then make it into the DLC.
I won’t tell you the name just yet. I want it to be a surprise to you all.
I’m wanting this DLC to come out in the next two weeks if I can upload the .Mfa. This is because I have the DLC on a Windows Surface Pro. And I won’t be able to do anything to it during the next two weeks if I don’t upload it.
That’s it! See you later!