Right now, if you have followed my game from near its beginning, you would probably be scared to know that the game isn’t coming out yet. Not for a while. The first date I planned was at the end of the 2015 summer. Obviously that never worked. Then I planned for late 2015 near December. Bad dating. Then I planned to get a metric ton of work done during this summer. The pancakes keep flopping off the frying pan and onto the floor. There has seemed to always be something that prevented me from this games completion. The first summer was simple lack of knowledge and experience with graphics creation. The school year of 2015 to 2016 was the same and added school-work with a low motivation, more bent on figuring out later events of the story rather than game development. Then this summer, blocked by an online class, that took me by surprise. And now we are here, at the beginning of September. Still looking forward to the game. My main problem is simply work. The game itself looks great on paper, but producing the graphical assets is taking far longer than it should, and not due to improper resources, but to “Laziness, Other-work, and “everything wrong happening at the same time”.
It infuriates me when my close friends ask of the game, because I have barely anything to give them. The graphical assets already made look fantastic, but there is still much more to do. I would love to have help from someone else, but I want this to just be my game. I know that might sound like an idiotic reason, but I fear that bringing someone else into the mix of development will take away the way I see the game in my head.
From now on, I plan to try my best with getting the dang assets done. Code programming has not even been done yet, (Although I have the correct resources), so that must give you some perspective. And let me give you even more.
Right now the game is about:
4% done with graphical assets such as 3D design, 2D design, and both 2d/3d animation.
0% done with sound, although I have a couple friends who are willing to help with voice acting. (Yes this game will have multiple voice actors). Sounds such as night selection, menu music, and misc. in-game sounds are not produced yet, but are conceptualized.
0.5% done with Coding and Programming. I don’t really count the first few frames of the start-up screens.
100% done with story. Everything is conceptualized and complete in my head, just not in the engines themselves.
Please keep this in mind during long periods of activity. The game will be complete when the last note hits your head-phones, nothing less, I refuse to offer a broken game, you can’t practically see this game right now.
I will work on it, and when it is complete, it is complete. Thank you for staying with me this long, it helps a lot.