¿how often do you put a background on a post?
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2024-11-13 new community header and channel backgrounds for poppy ribbon's corner
new avatar 2024-11-12
i made a new avatar 2 days ago but i made it circle‑şaped because i forgot þat many websites still use square‑şaped avatars: https://gamejolt.com/p/new-avatar-and-header-2024-11-10-xznvipyc
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
i draftëd a new font by vectorïŋ my næm
and it escalated into new sočial media pictşures
all Joltiday spirits
new avatar 2024-12-11
my previous avatar had my 2 mascots in them but i want to make more mascots, so they wouldn't all fit in one avatar, so i made an avatar with just my arcade player name written