I do not actually work for NASA, but... because I'm a massive fan of what they do; despite their increasingly limited budget, and in synchrony with their colossal ambitions - compared to the US military's "space force", what-with their massive military budget... all they do is sit in too-comfortable gaming chairs at computer desks and watch the boring orbits of a bunch of 40-year-old GPS satellites all day long, whereas... NASA is literally shooting for the moon! - simply put, I use the NASA logo as my PFP to show how proud I am of my nation's space agency.
I want the Star Trek future, not the HALO or Star Wars ones, FYI. 😊 Also, Stargate technically takes place in our time, so don't mention it.
The poll is for people who viewed all the images and need to finish a certain quest. None of the images are my own art. I don't make art; I do art. MMA, to be exact - but that's a story for another day... 😁
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