Ultimate Custom Night : Fan Game Edition
6 years ago

How should the character's behavior be revealed?

Hey everyone! Development is going good! I’m going to start coding the characters in soon and I was wondering; How should the their behaviors be revealed? I have a few options in mind.

  1. Have a news post that gets updated ever time a character’s coding is done.
    2 Have the character’s behavior be in the description and get updated every time a character’s coding is done.

  2. Make a separate news post ever time a character’s coding is done.

What do you guys think I should do?



Next up

Roster Update #4!

Ladies and gentlemen... Meet the office!

Ultimate Custom Night : Fan Game Edition - Coming Soon!

Roster Update #5!

Roster Update #6!

Roster Update #8!

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Roster Update #2!

Office Under Construction

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