As a matter of fact, some people expect this game to be just another FNaF World copy from among the many fan games here in Gamejolt, but that’s were i want to change.
First of all, the way you unlock the characters won’t just be a random encounter with a character were you must fight him to unlock it, actually, there isn’t going to be random encounters, the characters will appear in the map screen, just as easy like that.
Some characters will be…. let’s say “pacifist” and will join you with just a small talk with them, other characters will only join you with the condition of having other character(s) in your party (e.g: Ranged New Born will only join you if you have the other New Born variations).
Continuing with the mechanic, other characters are held captive by enemies, for example Ron, since he is injured by default he can’t actually defend himself alone, resulting in his capture. The way you unlock these captive characters is pretty obvious, you defeat the enemy that is guarding the character to unlock him.
Next we have the traditional FNaF World style of unlocking a character, fighting the character to unlock him, no need of explaining something pretty explainable by itself.
And at last, there is going to be characters that their unlock criteria is “special”, meaning that the way they are unlocked will vary from the other characters.
So…. that’s all i have to say about this mechanic of the game, i may also explain other mechanics that will differ from FNaF World, but for now im not planning to spoil more.
ALSO, just a little bit of spoiler for the game’s plot, the only things i can say is that it may won’t contain any 4th wall breaks, and that the story itself is revolving around the actual situation of ZeoWorks.