Open up the cameras and activate night vision and go on cam 11 (the drawing room) and close both doors,after,open the doors and close it and close them again and open and close them one by one in a loop making sure it's atleast at one bar,if it's at some bars wait for it to deplete before closing the door again even if an animatronic is at your door,check on blank repeatedly to see if he is gonna attack,if he is gone,close the ticket booth door (window door) so he could go away,you don't have to worry about the window door power but only for the left and right doors. You can also do another version of this strategy that makes it so that you conserve more power but more risky,which is the strategy where you don't check on blank and have to guess if he's going to attack while also doing the same things from the strategy I mentioned to you but excluding checking on blank.
So I hope I help people!