Hello!Today i show you,how to complete all Quests and collect 2 collectible items in demo.Lets start!
In Ruined Home(In Demo)?you can complete 5 quests.Lets start from first quest.
First Quest-Old News
In City Of Old you can find office.If you talk to "Banana Lady" you can find your first quest.

(Here the Office)

(Talk to her)

(Accept the offer)

(You started the quest!)

Now,you need throw away the trash. You can throw it in any trash can on the street.

But better throw it here.
When you throw all trash,just talk to "Banana Lady" Again.

Yey!You complete first quest!

Second Quest-Purse Search(The Longest Quest)
In Town,you can find "Dog Lady".If you talk to her second time,you can get second quest.

(Accept the offer)

(Again,you started another quest!)
How old lady says,we need check the Grillbys.Lets go to the Grillbys!!!

In Grillbys you need talk to Flara.

How Flara says,we need to talk with Old Mole.

Now,we need again talk to Dog Lady.(We meet with Old Mole later)

Now,we need find Wolf Lady.She is right there we throw away trash.

Now we need give Pup Purse to Dog Lady.

Congrats!You complete second quest!
And it first quest where we get item,but not gold!

Here is description of item.

Third Quest-Crossing Paths
If you talk to Old Mole you can get third quest!Lets talk to him!

(Accept the offer)

You have started a Quest!

The answer is-blue

The answer is-Flowers

The answer is-Leaves

The answer is-Magic

You complete third quest!
Forth Quest-A Drop To Drink
In "Flower King" Shop you can find lonely sprout,what need water.

And again,you started quest!

Now you need going to Grillbys.

When,you need take this cup of water.

When again going to "Flower King"
And give this cup to flower.

Cool!One Quest left!

Fifth Quest-Star Of Power
In Last Quest you need help to "Star Eater" find his Lucky Star.

(Accept the Offer)

No many time to finally complete them all!

Now we need go to the Sewer.When find Red Dragon and speak to him.

When we need talk to the "Star Eater"

AND FINALLY!You did it!All Quests is complete!

When you complete all 5 guests you get a achivement

Now,only thing is left-collectible items!
Collectibles items
In Ruined Home(In Demo) you can find 2 items.Lets start from first item!
Collectibles-CrossBones Comic Page
First,you need find Mini Mart

Then Click here

And here it is!The Starlight Saviour Sa-i mean,Crossbones

Collectibles-Small Fry:Act 1
Now we need talk to BugerPant.After some time you can ask him about Script

After that,youcan by Small Fry Act 1 in shop.

And here it is!last collectible item!

Congrats!You collect them all!You complete them all!
Hello again!Thanks for reading.I spend 4 hours on it.I hope what is been useful.Then full version is out,i gonna make the same thing.Well,goodbye and Happy New Year!