Funtime Triple Trouble [OLD]
1 year ago

How to complete the secret night [SPOILERS]

Accessing the Secret Night

  • Go to the Custom Night

  • Set everyone's AI to the following levels: Poke = 16, Jack = 13, Jacob = 6, Matt = 7

  • Click on Poke's icon

Afterwards, a cutscene will play and the game will freeze/crash. Next time you open it, you will be sent to the secret night.

Be warned that once you begin the night, you'll be locked into it until you complete it.

The Secret Character's Mechanics

  1. If you hear slow-paced vent banging, close the vent. If you hear footsteps, lock the door. (Basically Poke and Jack's mechanics combined)

  2. If he appears in the office, put the cameras up quickly. (Similar to Golden Freddy from FNaF 1)

  3. If you hear rapid vent banging, leave the vent open and wait until he enters the office, then flash him. If you hear running, leave the door unlocked and wait until he enters the office, then flash him. (Jacob's mechanic but he now enters the vent)

  4. If a shadow begins appearing from the bottom of the screen, hover your flashlight over it and it will leave.

Hopefully you win, because it has LORE!

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Nathaniel (he's an edgy fucking bastard)

my first art of 2025 yeeeeeeeeeeeah

mistreated mode

Cool thing I did with the Funtime Trio.

Ulises (this character did not age well)

Made a fanmade AWWJ 1 poster.

demised gang

Jeffrey (it's showtime)

Thomas (no relation to the funny cyan old man)

Lizzie (fanart for AWWJ 3 contest)