Chibi Yandere

2 years ago

How to make Chibi Yandere Complete Edition work in Linux distributions ? Also some announce about ending support for specific supports.

Hi everyone,
It's been a very long time again...

Like I'm getting older and getting more tired of things...

Well I did find a message from a user of the discord trying to get the game working on Linux. To be honest, Linux is always a good desktop environnement free from proprietary service like Microsoft and its Windows. Well, I will not discuss about this topic today. Currently the most optimal to play my games is actually Windows. But for penguins enjoyers, I will quickly summarize the way to use the zip and play the game natively on Linux.

First, you need to download the zip file of the Linux distribution. When done, go inside the main folder.


Normally you'll end up with plenty of files, the most important one is the file "nw" inside the main folder.

You can't open right away because of security reasons of course.


As shown in the image you'll have to authorize every action and most importantly the execution of the file as a programm.

Just check the mark and you'll good to go.

You can also use the terminal to change those properties by executing the following command:

sudo chmod +x /path/.nw


Open the terminal with the current directory path. Be sure to use a the end /.nw


Now press enter and Tada, the game is running like it should!

You can still use Wine, you'll just have to download the Windows version and it should work. I recommand some distros that have an easy support for Vine if you're a noob like me.

I have some informations about supporting the Mac Version, I did try the Mac Version and it's not working.

I'm announcing to end uploading the game to Mac users.
Next versions of the game will no longer uploaded with a mac version.

I have some very bad news for people that wanted a Web/Android version. The plugins are not working properly so I will confirm that I can't support those version.

I did try with Android Studio but it's too much instable to work properly. The previous Chibi Yandere was "working" on mobile but it was merely playable. For Web Browser, it's quite difficult to explain to people to get a local bowser and to able access to local repertory. I was trying to upload to Gamejolt but since I don't have much time to figure out what's going on... I must admit that I don't have time to fully support mobile/web brower versions.

If you want a smooth game working well (with some lag sadly), you can still play School Boss. This game deserves much more love...

Well, I will upload the version 0.7.2 at the end of the mounth.

Thanks for reading and take care!



Next up

New update of Chibi Yandere 0.6.3


Inventory system is returning

Future update with full objects supported!

Object function is out and information about the 0.7.0 update.

Secret Quest, finally Senpai will declare his love?

New web site and Contest to earn a free t-shirt!

How to catch a cheater!

Congratulations to the winner Nicolas!

Happy holidays to everyone!

Hazu... you're such a pervert!

Version 0.6.5 is out now.

Ding Dong Ding Dong! A new update (0.7.1) and upcoming changes for the fan game!

Who's da best? A little recap that compare every students for specific events in Chibi Yandere Complete Edition.