Step 1. Find an odd occurrence in your world that has little to no explanation
"Oil floats on water..."
Step 2. Profit off of the masses ignorance on the subject and inform them on your own beliefs on it
"If oil floats over water, and our body produces water naturally through sweat, Oil could kill us by dissolving our water rich cells."
Step 3. Soon you grow a following, but most see you as insane
Step 4. Feed into their fear instead by creating a doomsday clock for when your religion will have its judgment day
"Mark the date of February 15th 2055, the heavens will wash away the sinners with oil and punishment."
Step 5. Your new cult grows exponentially
Step 6. They see you as a new deity, so now you must look like one
Step 7. Your belief becomes so powerful, it formulates into fruition
Step 8. Let the disbelievers parish, and the faithful flourish
February 15th 2055, The Cult Of Oil Incident