...Fuck it, let's make all the Deltarune Pibbyfied characters.
Send me some pics and I can do so quickly.
I have no idea where to put this in the DF server.
You shouldn't have probably discarded it...
(also, an announcement)
...Fuck it, let's make all the Deltarune Pibbyfied characters.
Send me some pics and I can do so quickly.
I have no idea where to put this in the DF server.
just survive another day
poison water
Some news about development...please read the article!
(oh thanks @HighStars for making the image)
❤ DONTFORGET - October 2024 Mini Status Update ❤
(Read inside for a sneak peek at a new feature for v2.8.0, the changelog for the new v2.7.13 update, and a few words for Deltarune's sixth anniversary!)
A music box.
I wonder what this is referencing. :3
When the circus music is HYPE
Just a test for text blips.
You can probably guess what this is for.
A fangame of a fangame, of course...
Working, but Jan has some words for you RPG Makers (and coders) out there!