Underswap Snowstorm
2 years ago



Next up

Hi, Dinek here! So, our story got a huge improvment and because of it I wanted to show you a bit a retouch of our designs. I hope you like it! ps. art with those designs is made by me ^^

We're back.

She swap on my dust till I snowstorm

KUSARIGAMA //// Sans' Weapon

(Art by Okittsy)

Our songs' status in DUSTTRUST (Jan 8th 2022):

How It All Began - finished

Menu Theme - finished

HL - started, not finished

MR - finished

SiTS - finished

Determination - finished

Divine Terror - not planned yet

The End - finished

new panel colors thanks to ava

OMG COLLAB FOR REAL (spoiler: no)

Hi everyone, dinek here.

So first lets say that outloud: I've came back to finish what I started! And also I'm working on something that has never been done before, and that is OFFICIAL MANGA FOR SNOWSTORM.

i need to post here more often

UNDERSWAP SnowStorm : The Manga Confirmed !