Yoshio's MONOchrome Life (YMCL)

3 years ago Episode 5 (Part 1) is now out!

Yes, It's another 2 Part... Part 2 should be released in 8 Days (January 4th) so that makes this the last release of a YMCL Episode this year! It feels like I've been working on this all year but it's only been a few months! I hope that people enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy making it! I was kinda slacking off a bit on this part so I hope I'll be able to release Episode 6 in one part... This Episode is close to a part of the series I'm most excited for, so stay tuned! See you next year!

1 comment


Next up ahhh episode 9 part 1 is out!

p- p- poster?

uh poster.

um poster.

Erm here's the poster. uh... episode 8 part 2 is finally out. happy new year and here's all the paintings that appeared in this episode