Yoshio's MONOchrome Life (YMCL)

3 years ago

Yay It wasn't a 2 parter! Although It's kinda short it still is the beginning of a new... story arc? The beeg boi super ebik not cring fantastical arc with... get this... COLOR!!1!!!1!!!!11!!! OMG SO KOOL! Anyways, I think the episodes from now on are all gonna be in 2 parts because It's gonna require more effort to make... but I'll try my best to get some episodes in 1 part if I can! After all, my new years resolution is to finish YMCL this year... So anyways, see you when episode 7 comes out (2 parter probably) which will be in 10 days (January 24th in my timezone). Goodbye!



Next up

uh poster.

Erm here's the poster.

um poster. uh... episode 8 part 2 is finally out. happy new year and here's all the paintings that appeared in this episode

p- p- poster? ahhh episode 9 part 1 is out!