MONO actually has to protect a creature instead of killing it. Are they as good at killing as they are protecting? Well if you saw the episode then you already know the answer. The finale is literally the next episode so... yeah... this journey is coming to an end. I am sorry about all the delays once again. I really wish I could just make my garbage crayon art in a day or something but sadly I'm just a dumb kid with a laggy computer, school or something, and shows I want to watch without multitasking. Blah blah blah. The finale is also probably gonna be a 2 parter is what I'm trying to say without making you groan in annoyance for the millionth time and wonder whether or not this silly little comic is worth your precious limited time on this green planet spinning around a big star in one of many galaxy's and-
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p- p- poster?
Erm here's the poster. uh... episode 8 part 2 is finally out. happy new year and here's all the paintings that appeared in this episode ahhh episode 9 part 1 is out!
uh poster.
um poster.