1 year ago

BONNIE AND CHICA ARE GROUNDED | The Golden Freddy Hunt Part 3
BRO BONNIE IS A COWARD LIKE FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN! Bro bonnie actually tried to get his faz-tendo back LOL! I fr think these little children are scared of me, ...



Next up

I made @NONDARIX now, gotta complete the collection, this is the one that looks the best at the back, and I remember the snout this time.

I drew this in math class

(this is a teaser for something)

Hello! I’m working on a game in gamemaker studio. I found that when I put my object into the frame, it turns into… that. I wanted to know if anyone knows how to fix this problem. If you do know, please tell me in the comments :))

Thanks, Bye.

We're getting a lot of progress done with FNFN, so here's one of the new things we've finished up!

check out a segment of my epic graduation speech (it's translated from Indonesian)

You never know what's hiding within the dark in Spike's Ahoy!

(Render by @PhantronGames )

I had just recently just realized that every character I made (and added) are men, soooo... give me your female characters to add so people won't think I'm sexist

I made @VaskeGP (minus the snout couldn’t find out how to do it in time, the back is ugly asf tho

The Unwanted Guests gamepage is officially out now!

Check it out here:


I started a new YT series playing the desolate hope on a livesteam, 2 episodes already out!!! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgtUjeuVmrSW9xPgkfSYuUNy5bh1v…